Mar 31, 2019

Run sql script with nohup or background

SqlPlus run in background with 'nohup'

Sometimes you have to run a query that takes very long time to complete, and you want to go home with your laptop. If you have access to a server with SQL*Plus, you can run the query there in the background.

We can see some example:

1) Create a .sql file containing your query.

e.g. script.sql (for immediate test)

SET MARKUP HTML ON TABLE "class=detail cellspacing=0" ENTMAP OFF
SPOOL output.log
# query
select sysdate from dual;

spool off;

2) Now call the query with Username and Password or 'as sysdba' from the OS command prompt.

$ nohup sqlplus username/password @script.sql > file.out 2>&1 & 

$ nohup sqlplus "/ as sysdba" @script.sql > file.out 2>&1 &

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